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Updates: Week of September 15, 2019
Thirty Years of Fetch by Jim Matthews
WeeChat 2.6 - IRC client
StockMarketEye 5.0.12 - Monitor all your accounts
Bitpay 6.3.3 - Bitcoin wallet
Ledger Live 1.15.0 - Mac program for the cryptocurrency hardware wallet
Jumpcut 0.71 - Clipboard manager
MarsEdit 4.3.5 - Blog editor
Pine Player 1.16.11 - Audio player
VMware Fusion 11.5.0 - Run an alternative OS
MenuMeters 1.9.8 - Set of CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools
AdGuard 1.5.4 - Content blocker for Safari, Chrome and Firefox
Fission 2.4.6 - Audio editor
Dropbox 81.4.195 - Cloud storage
Rumpus 8.2.8 - FTP Server
Opera 63.0.3368.94 - Web browser
Yate - Audio tag editor
Letterpress 4.9.1 - Spell words from a grid
Alfred 4.0.4 - Launch and find files
GreenChess 8.2.3 - Board game
Updates: Week of September 8, 2019
SeaMonkey 2.49.5 - Web browser/editor etc.
Second Life 6.3.1 - Virtual world
cURL 7.66.0 - Command line file transfers
X-Lite 5.7.0 - Voice over IP
ID3 Editor 1.27.46 - ID3 tag editor
GnuCash 3.7 - Open source accounting program
aText 2.34.1 - Text expander
NeoOffice 2017.19 - Office suite
Updates: Week of September 1, 2019
Overture 5.6.1 - Music notation program
X-Plane 11.36r2 - Flight sim
Absolute Backgammon 64 1.26 - Board game
Forget Me Not 2.2.5 - Cookie manager for Firefox
Thinkorswim 187 - Update for the trading platform for the iOS app
Signal 1.27.2 - Messaging, voice and video calls
Ruby 2.6.4 - Programming language
PHP 7.3.9 - Scripting language especially suited to web development
Hopper Disassembler 4.5.15 - Disassembler
FutureBASIC 6.0.5 - BASIC IDE
Chipmunk Basic 1.368.2118 - Interpreter for the BASIC programming language
MakeMKV 1.14.5 - DVD/Blu-ray transcoder
SoundSource 4.1.4 - Adjust audio input/output from the Menubar
Integrity 9.2.0 - Link checker
Cubase 10.0.40 - Update to the Digital Audio Workstation
Kodi 18.4 - Media hub and server
Postbox 7.0.5 - Email client
LibreOffice 6.3.2 - Office suite
Serial 1.4.0 - Terminal emulation with support for almost every serial device
iTerm2 3.3.3 - Terminal program
Keka 1.1.19 - Archive utility, compress, decompress
Sigil 0.9.18 - eBook editor
DropDMG 3.5.7 - Drag and drop disk image creation
MAMP 5.5 - Localized installation of Apache, MySQL and PHP
P3 Mobile 5.2.1 - Video Relay Service for the hearing impaired
LAMP Words For Life 2.20.2 - Augmentative communication for iPad
Prompt 2.6.11 - SSH client for iOS
Burn 2.7.5 - Open source CD/DVD burner
Airfoil 5.8.7 - Send audio to outputs anywhere on your network
Praat 6.1.03 - Doing phonetics by computer
GPG Suite 2019.1.83 - Pretty Good Privacy
RapidWeaver 8.3 - Template based web editor
Bee Invoicing 2.1.0 - Invoicing program
Updates: Week of August 25, 2019
Enigmail 2.1.2 - OpenPGP for Thunderbird
irssi 1.2.2 - IRC client 5.4.6 - Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, and Zcash exchange
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Multiplayer team shooter
IP Scanner 3.90 - Identify active devices on your LAN
NetNewsWire 5.0 - RSS Reader
Slack 4.0.3 - Collaborate
Vallum 3.3.1 - Outgoing connection monitor
LaunchControl 1.47.1 - Schedule launching of programs and scripts
BackupLoupe 2.16.1 - GUI for Time Machine
Smart Scroll 4.4.6 - Tweak scrolling behavior
Seashore 2.4.11 - Image editor
Piezo 1.6.1 - Record audio from any application or audio inputs
WoW Classic - Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game as it used to be
Microsoft Remote Desktop 10.3.0 - Connect to a remote PC
yKey 2.8.0 - Create shortcuts to invoke a sequence of actions
Wraparound 2.0 - Allows cursor to wrap around screen
Keyboard Maestro 9.0.1 - Automate applications, web sites ...
Cardhop 1.3.2 - Menu bar contacts manager
ScreenSleeves 6.6.0 - Display cover art and info during song play
Disk Drill 3.7.942 - Data recovery
HoudahGeo 5.3.3 - Geotag your photos
Fantastical 2.5.10 - Calendar program
jAlbum 18.4 - Web photo gallery creator
Physics 101 9.0.2 - Physics formulas
Tyme 2 2019.11 - Time tracker
Updates: Week of August 18, 2019
Mail Archiver X 5.1.2 - Email archiver
Emailchemy 14.3.9 - Email format converter
Simplenote 1.6.1 - Notes program
Monosnap 3.6.2 - Screenshot utility
Microsoft Teams 1.00.221868 - Microsoft's collaboration program
Nisus Writer Pro 3.0.3 - Word processor
Cocoa Packet Analyzer 1.90 - Packet sniffer
Nisus Thesaurus 1.2 - Thesaurus
EarthDesk 7.4 - Dynamic desktop
Dreamweaver CC 19.2.1 - Adobe's web editor
Modo 13.1v1 - 3D modeling, rendering and painting
Ventrilo 4.0.3 - VoIP especially for gamers
TouchCopy 16.33 - Transfer music from your iPhone to Mac
Anki 2.1.15 - Flashcard program
DSP-Quattro 5.1.2 - Audio editor, plug-in host
LightWave 3D 2019.1.2 - 3D tools for artists
Blender 2.80 - 3D creation software suite
Art of Illusion 3.1.0 - Open source 3D modelling and rendering studio
EVE Online 08-22.1 - Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game
TeamViewer 14.5 - Connect devices without VPN
Sound Studio 4.9.2 - Audio recorder and editor
Live Home 3D 3.6.4 - Home design software
TrailRunner 3.8.3233 - Route planning for long distance sports
ClipGrab 3.8.4 - Web video downloader
VLC 3.0.8 - Video player
Bitcoin Core 0.18.1 - Decentralized security
WhatRoute 2.2.6 - Ping, DNS, Traceroute
SpamSieve 2.9.37 - Spam filter for Mail etc.
Aquamacs 3.5 - Text editor
MacTracker 7.8.1 - Info on every Mac ever made
Minesweeper - Classic Game 1.2.10 - Minesweeper
Updates: Week of August 11, 2019
Reaper 5.98.200 - Digital Audio Workstation
GrandPerspective 2.2.3 - Show what's eating up your disk space
iData Pro 4.0.44 - Personal database program
xScope 4.4 - Measure screen graphics
Ruzzle 2.5.4 - Boggle for iOS
Acrobat Reader 19.012.20036 - PDF reader
Nmap 7.80 - Network auditing
Mailplane 4.1.4 - Gmail application
Tri-BACKUP 9.1.0 - Backup utility
Updates: Week of August 4, 2019
TypeIt4Me 6.2.2 - The original text expander
Feeder 3.7 - RSS editor
ICQ 3.0.22949 - Instant messenger
GraphicConverter 11.0.1 - Image editor
ChronoSync 4.9.4 - Backup utility
MidiPipe 1.5.5 - Route MIDI messages in real-time
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1.4.0 - Action RPG (now 64-bit)
Chrome 76.0.3809.132 - Google's browser
SkyORB 2019.7.1 - Planetarium and star map
ClamAV 0.101.3 - Malware scanner
Proloquo2Go 6.1.3 - Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app for iOS
FFmpeg 4.2 - Video tools
Fink 0.45.0 - Package manager
Subler 1.5.17 - Mux and tag mp4 files
MacStitch 14.19 - Create textile designs
MacLoggerDX 6.24 - Ham radio logbook
DOSBox 0.74-3 - DOS emulator
Erockus Arcade 6.6 - SDLMAME wrapper
Updates: Week of July 28, 2019
Duolingo 6.28.1 - Learn a new language
Cryptocurrency Ticker 0.7.1 - Pricing data in the Menu Bar
NetShade 8.2 - VPN service
Maintenance 2.5.5 - Onyx's little brother
Rust - Multiplayer survival game
BetterTouchTool 3.185 - Customize your Trackpad, Touch Bar, mouse...
Evernote 7.12 - Notes service
Reunion 12.0.190722 - Genealogy software
Krita 4.2.5 - Open source image editor
iNMR 6.2.2 - Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Typinator 8.1 - Text expander
MoneyWell 3.0.12 - Personal finance program
To Do X 3.4 - To-do lists
2Do 2.6.12 - To-do lists
Tweetbot 3.3.1 - Twitter client
File Juicer 4.78 - Extract images, text etc. from files
iTrain 4.1.11 - Model railroad layout control
Premiere Pro CC 13.1.4 - Adobe's video editor
Borderlands 2 1.8.5 - First person shooter - Now on the App Store
Tomb Raider 1.2 - Action adventure game (now 64-bit)
Sophos Home 2.2.2 - Malware scanner
Emby 4.1.2 - Media server
Updates: Week of July 21, 2019
Totally Relevant!
Leaving Mac games torrents behind: Do this instead by Ric Molina at Mac Gamer HQ
Sparkle 2.8.2 - Web editor
Minecraft 1.14.4 - Sandbox game
iTaskX 4.0 - Project management
Atom 1.39.1 - Text editor
Pinball Arcade 8.2.0 - Classic pinball machine simulator
QCad 3.23.0 - 2D cad program
Capo 3.7.4 - Learn songs by ear
SimpleKeys 2.6.9 - f-key shortcuts and more
macOS Mojave 10.14.6 - Update your Mac
iOS 12.4 - Update for your iPhone or iPad
Updates: Week of July 14, 2019
Procreate 4.3.6 - Drawing app for iPad
Web Confidential 5.0.4 - Password manager
Notebook 4.2.5 - Notes program
including: Word, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint and Outlook
MainStage 3.4.3 - Apple's music rig for live performances
FontExplorer X Pro 6.0.9 - Font manager
Little Snitch 4.4.2 - Outgoing connection monitor
SecuritySpy 5.0.1 - CCTV software
SkySafari Pro 6.4.0 - Telescope astronomy software
Notability 4.0.4 - Notes program
TuneIn 1.9.0 - All your favorite hometown radio stations
GeoTag 4.6.1 - Geotag your photos
Canvas Draw 6.0 - Vector graphics application
ff Works 1.3.1 - Front-end for FFmpeg
Moneyspire 19.0.21 - Personal finance program
Updates: Week of July 7, 2019
Capto 1.2.12 - Screen capture and video editing software
Privacy Badger 2019.7.1.1 - Block third-party trackers for Chrome and Firefox
Acorn 6.5 - Image editor
RUMlog 4.3.2 - Shortwave logging tool
coconutBattery 3.8 - Report your Mac's age and check its battery
Telegram 5.5.1 - Messaging program
Paprika 3.3.7 - Recipe manager
Cocktail 12.4.2 - System tweaker/maintenance utility for Mojave
Tropico 6 - Construction and management sim
Updates: Week of June 30, 2019
Timelime 1.6.3 - Time tracking program
MoneyWorks 8.1.7 - Accounting software
TinTin++ 2.01.8 - MUD client
CryptoBar 4.1.6 - Cryptocurrency ticker
Dota Underlords - Valve's new strategy game
InterMapper 6.3.2 - Network mapper and monitor
Plot 2.6.14 - Scientific 2D plotting program
AstroGrav 4.0 - Solar system simulator
Portraiture 3.5.2 - Photoshop plug-in for portrait retouching
Coloriage 12.0 - Photoshop plug-in and application to colorize your photos
XScreenSaver 5.43 - Standard Unix screen saver collection
Pro Tools 2019.6 - Digital Audio Workstation
Tinderbox 8.0.6 - Note keeper, outliner
MacDraft 7.0.1 - 2D CAD program
Updates: Week of June 23, 2019
Soulver 3.0.4 - Free-Type calculator
FastScripts 2.7.8 - Access scripts by keyboard and menubar
Reeder 4.1.1 - RSS reader
PasswordWallet 4.8.10 - Password manager
SuperDuper! 3.2.5 - Backup utility
Bookends 13.2.4 - Bibliography manager
AudioFinder 5.9.27 - Audio asset management system
Updates: Week of June 16, 2019
Goodbye to a slew of great 32-bit Aspyr developed Mac games... and continued thanks to Aspyr for the development of new Mac games.
Bookpedia 6.0 - Catalog your books
CDpedia 6.0 - Catalog your music
DVDpedia 6.0 - Catalog your movies
Gamepedia 6.0 - Catalog your games
Privatus 6.1.5 - Remove tracking cookies
sixtyforce 1.0.4 - Nintendo 64 emulator
Meteorologist 3.1.8 - Menu Bar weather program
Moneydance 2019.3 - Personal finance
WiFiSpoof 3.4.4 - Avoid network restrictions
SteerMouse 5.3.8 - Customize your mouse
Private Internet Access 1.2.1 - VPN service
Lightroom CC 2.3 - Adobe's image organizer
RightFont 5.5.4 - Font manager
PDFpen 11.0.3 - PDF editor
After Effects CC 16.1.2 - Video visual effects
MacScan 3.2 - Malware scanner
NoScript 10.6.3 - Content blocker for Firefox
GIMP 2.10.12 - Open source image editor
Stock Investment Guide 4.2.0 - Stock analysis
Airmail 3.6.60 - Email client
Magnet 2.4.4 - Windows 10's Snap for the Mac
Illustrator 23.0.4 - Vector graphics editor
QMidi 2.8.3 - Karaoke player
Updates: Week of June 9, 2019
Tunnelblick 3.7.9a - Graphic user interface for OpenVPN
CineBench 20.060 - Measure the performance of the main processor and the graphics card
TaskPaper 3.8.6 - To-do lists
OneDrive 19.070.2410 - Microsoft's cloud service
NordVPN 4.13.5 - VPN service
KeePassXC 2.4.3 - Password manager
Navicat Premium 12.1.23 - Database development tool
EazyDraw 9.3.3 - Bitmap and vector graphics program
Jutoh 2.90 - eBook authoring program
PCalc 4.6.5 - Scientific calculator
MacVim 8.1.1517 - Text editor
Path Finder 8.5.4 - File manager
Amphetamine 4.2 - Keep your Mac awake
iOS 12.3.2 - Update for your iPhone or iPad
MacJournal 7.0 - Free once again and better than ever
Willing Webcam 1.7.2 - Webcam poster
phpMyAdmin - Administer MySQL over the web
Video DownloadHelper 7.3.6 - Video downloader for Firefox and Chrome
Updates: Week of June 2, 2019
MindManager 12.1.183 - Mind mapping software
WeatherSnoop 4.1.10 - Monitor the weather on your roof
Birdfont 3.24.1 - Font editor
iResize 4.3 - Compress and resize images
Wirecast 12.1.1 - Make webcasts
Total War: Three Kingdoms - Strategy game
SyncTwoFolders 2.3.4 - Folder synchronizer
Snagit 2019.1.4 - Screen capture utility
Monodraw 1.4 - ASCII art editor
Updates: Week of May 26, 2019
Aerial 1.5.0 - Aerial views screensaver
SEE Finance 2.1.3 - Personal finance application
MyPopBarrier 3.1.8 - Remove emails from the server
1Password 7.3 - Password manager service
OmniPlan 3.12.3 - Project manager
BusyCal 3.6.5 - Calendar program
CopyPaste Pro 3.7.8 - Display, archive and edit multiple clipboards
MailMate 1.12.5 - IMAP email client
TapTapSee 3.4.2 - Image recognition app for the visually impaired
Updates: Week of May 19, 2019
VirtualC64 3.3.2 - Commodore 64 emulator
CamTwist 3.4.3 - Special effects for webcam broadcasts
SABnzbd 2.3.9 - Binary newsreader
IP Camera Recorder 7.39 - Surveillance camera software
Usenetic 1.3.0 - Usenet client
Murus 1.4.22 - Firewall manager
Things 3.9.1 - Task manager
Latinum 6.8.2 - Stock analysis
Progressive Downloader 4.5.6 - Download manager
Trezor 2.0.27 - Mac program for the cryptocurrency hardware wallet
Updates: Week of May 12, 2019
Xojo 2019r1.1 - BASIC dialect programming environment
Indigo 7.3.1 - Smart home device controller
Audacity 2.3.2 - Audio editor (now 64-bit)
Screenium 3.2.7 - Screen recorder
Finale 26.1.0 - Music notation software
WordPress 5.2 - Serve your own blog 4.1.0 - Manage your WordPress sites
Recipe Keeper 3.21.1 - Recipe manager
Books 1.19 - The latest version of Apple's eBook reader comes with Mojave
Kindle 1.26.1 - Amazon's eBook reader
Terminal 2.9.5 - The latest version of Apple's terminal program comes with Mojave
Updates: Week of May 5, 2019
FileMaker 18.0.1 - Database platform
Litecoin Core 0.17.1 - Open source, global payment network
MailSteward 13.2 - Email archiver
MacVector 17.0.4 - Sequence analysis program
Script Debugger 7.0.8 - AppleScript development environment
Chime 4.21.6635 - Amazon's videoconferencing program
ScreenFlow 8.2.3 - Screen recorder
NeoFinder 7.4 - Disk cataloguer
AstroImager 3.10 - Image capture application for astrophotography
VueScan 9.6.40 - Drivers for old scanners
Warbirds Online 4.64 R6 - WWII flight sim
Updates: Week of April 28, 2019
Bean 3.2.13 - Small word processor
Dyn Updater 5.5.0 - Dynamic DNS service
RAR 5.71 - Compression and decompression program
SwitchResX 4.8.2 - Automatically change resolutions
Sublime Text 3.2.1 - Text editor
BlueJ 4.2.1 - Java development environment
Unity 2019.1 - Development platform
gfortan 8.3 - Programming language especially suited to numeric computation
Paintbrush 2.3.0 - Paint program
R 3.6.0 - Statistical computing and graphics
Home Inventory 3.8.1 - Inventory all your stuff
Curio 13.0.2 - Notebook
Digitial Clock 4.7.5 - Clock
Rocket.Chat 2.15.3 - Open source team chat
YouTube TV 3.17 - Real live internet TV/Local channels
Netflix 11.31.2 - Streaming shows and movies/MedMen, Breaking Bad, Ozark
Renamer 5.3.2 - Batch file renamer
Pixelmator 3.8.3 - Image editor
Reason 10.3 - Music studio package with synths, drum machines, effects etc.
Merlin Project 5.1.5 - Project manager
FoxTrot 6.6.2 - Document search program
Updates: Week of April 21, 2019
LiveXLive 8.0.19 - Streaming music powered by Slacker
iSMARTtrain 4.2 - Fitness training log
MindNode 6.0.1 - Mind mapping program
PDF Squeezer 3.10.3 - PDF compression tool
Macgo Blu-ray Player Pro 3.3.14 - Blu-ray player
SQLite 3.28.0 - Database engine
MariaDB 10.3.14 - Database server
Tap Forms 5.3.7 - Personal database application
MySQL 8.0.16 - Database server
Artlantis - 3D rendering for architects and designers
PDF Expert 2.4.24 - PDF Editor
Full Deck Solitaire 1.79 - Solitaire
UnicodeChecker 1.21 - Unicode info and converter
HBO 21.0.0 - Streaming movies, series/Game of Thrones, True Detective
Hulu 5.46 - Real internet TV/Fargo, The Handmaid's Tale
Pandora 1904.2 - Streaming music
The Battle for Wesnoth 1.14.7 - Turn-based strategy game
TeXworks 0.6.3 - Front-end for TeX
InDesign 14.0.2 - Desktop publishing
ghostscript 9.27 - PostScript interpreter
Scribus 1.4.8 - Open source page layout
Avid Media Composer 2018.12.3 - Video editor
Lux Delux 6.63 - Risk-like board game
GL Golf 2.570 - Golf game
Readerware 4.08 - Collector's database for books, music and videos
ImageMagick 7.0.8-42 - Bitmap image tools
Updates: Week of April 14, 2019
Scrutiny 9.1.1 - Link checker, SEO
Mathematica 12.0 - Numerical computations
TweetDeck 3.16.1 - Twitter's Mac client
Hazel 4.3.5 - Automate moving and organizing files
MKVToolNix 33.1.0 - Create, alter and inspect Matroska files
Meta 1.9.3 - Audio tag editor
Cuppa 1.8.2 - Tea timer
Updates: Week of April 7, 2019
GrandTotal 5.2.7 - Invoice generator
Audiobook Builder 2.0.2 - Turn CDs or files into audio books
Snort 2.9.13 - Intrusion detection system
Civilization V 1.4.1 - Strategy game (now 64-bit)
NbreConvert 1.4.6 - Converter for any base to any base
ManageNameExt 1.6.7 - Batch file name changer
Butler 4.3.2 - Launch and control applications from the keyboard
Witch 4.3.3 - Application, window and tab switcher
Cheetah3D 7.3.3 - 3D modeling, rendering and animation software
StockSpy 6.2 - Track stock market news
Updates: Week of March 31, 2019
Blow Up 3.1.3 - Photoshop plug-in to keep photos clear during enlargement
Exposure X4 4.5.2 - Photoshop plug-in and application for effects
Snap Art 4.4.1 - Photoshop plug-in to change photos to multiple artistic styles
Eye Candy 7.2.3 - Photoshop plug-in with 7 effects
Batman Arkham City 1.2 - Action Adventure Game (now 64-bit Metal)
DiRT 4 1.0.1 - Racing game (64-bit Metal)
Civilization VI 1.2.1 - Strategy game
Stockfolio 1.5 - Research and track your portfolio
Call of Duty: Black Ops III 1.0 - First-person shooter (64-bit Metal)
Movie Collector 19.0.2 - Catalog your movie collection
Music Collector 19.0.2 - Catalog your music collection
Deja Vu 5.5.2 - Backup utility
Extreme Landings 3.6.2 - Flight sim
Calcline 4.4.1 - Free-Type calculator
FontLab 6.1.3 - Font editor
MacPass 0.7.9 - Password manager
TinyCal 2.0.1 - Menu bar calendar
QuickBooks 2019 R6 - Accounting service
Hangman Pro 4.0.2 - Word game
Kid3 3.7.1 - ID3 tag editor
macOS Server 5.8 - Apple's server software (what's left of it)
Updates: Week of March 24, 2019
Sloth 2.8.1 - Displays all files in use by applications
Monkey Junior 24.1.7 - Reading program for kids
Box 2.4.153 - Cloud software designed for teams
Basecamp 3 1.11.1 - Collaboration software
Mail 12.4 - The latest version of Apple's email client comes with Mojave
Classroom 2.0 - Apple's teacher assistant for Mac and iPad
Sketch 20.7 - Photoshop plug-in and application to turn your photos into sketches
Points 4.2 - Photoshop plug-in and application to turn your photos into pointillism paintings
Neon 3.2 - Photoshop plug-in and application to turn your photos into neon images
Watercolor 4.1 - Photoshop plug-in and application to turn your photos into watercolor paintings
Retoucher 9.6 - Photoshop plug-in and application to restore and retouch photos
Pastel 4.2 - Photoshop plug-in and application to turn your photos into pastels
OilPaint 8.1 - Photoshop plug-in and application to turn your photos into paintings
Heredis 19.3.0 - Genealogy program
Python 3.7.3 - Programming language >
DragonFrame 4.1.6 - Stop motion animation
Updates: Week of March 17, 2019
PDFScanner 1.14.0 - Scanner to OCR
Apache 2.4.39 - Web server
Epichrome 2.2.4 - Create Chrome-based site-specific browsers (SSBs)
Parallels Desktop 14.1.3 - Run Windows in a window on your Mac
Blocs 3.2.1 - Web design software
PinPoint 3.7.17 - Custom cursors
Popchar 8.6 - Easily type unusual characters
BetterZip 4.2.3 - Create and extract archives
IPNetMonitorX 2.7.3 - Ping, Port Scan, Traceroute etc.
Amazing Slow Downer 4.0.7 - Change the speed and pitch of music
SoftRAID 5.7.5 - Redundant Array of Independent Disks utility
Updates: Week of March 10, 2019
Postfix 3.4.4 - Email server
MediaHuman Audio Converter - Audio converter
Perfect Diet Tracker 3.10.5 - Track your diet
Check Off 5.6.7 - Task manager
LastPass 4.4.0 - Password manager service
SiteSucker 2.11.12 - Download and archive entire websites
NZB Drop 4.0 - Binary downloader for usenet
Updates: Week of March 3, 2019
Colibri 1.9 - Lossless music player
Textual 7.1.1 - IRC client
DataGraph 4.4 - Drawing and data analysis environment
Prism 8.0.2 - Scientific graphing
EagleData 0.64 - Personal database application
LaTeXiT 2.13.1 - LaTeX equation editor
XBox 360 Controller 0.16.11 - Use your XBox controller with your Mac
Name Mangler 3.5 - Batch renamer
Dawn of Man 1.0.2 - Survival game
PostgreSQL 11.2 - Database system
Starry Night 8.0.2 - Professional astronomy software
ClipGrab 3.8.2 - Downloader and converter for online video sites
Updates: Week of February 24, 2019
Video Transcoding 0.24.0 - Tools to transcode, inspect and convert videos
Seasonality Core 2.6.1 - Weather program
A Better Finder Attributes 6.17 - Change file attributes
HandBrake 1.2.2 - Video converter
Updates: Week of February 17, 2019
Adblock Plus 2.0.4 - Content blocker for Safari, Chrome and Firefox
Moodle Desktop 3.6.0 - Course management software
Tannenberg - WW1 first person shooter
LuLu 1.2.0 - Outgoing connection monitor
Atari800MacX 5.0.1 - Atari 800 emulator
Mupen64Plus 2.5.9 - Nintendo 64 emulator
MuseScore 3.0.2 - Notation software
Updates: Week of February 10, 2019
Is Mojave the new Snow Leopard?
Enpass 6.0.5 - Password manager
Dashlane 6.1907.0 - Password manager service
macSVG 1.1.5 - Design HTML5 SVG art and animation
SnapNDrag 4.3.1 - Screenshot utility
BookReader 5.14 - eBook reader
Divinity: Original Sin II 3.6.36 - Role Playing Game
Digital Performer 10.0 - Digital Audio Workstation
Franchise Hockey Manager 5.7.65 - Manage your own team
Out of the Park Baseball 19.14 - Manage your own team
Vienna 3.5.4 - RSS reader
Updates: Week of February 3, 2019
ExifRenamer 2.3.3 - Batch rename photos
The Unarchiver 4.1.0 - Archive unpacker
OmniOutliner 5.4.2 - Outliner
Discord 0.0.254 - Voice and text chat for gamers
Discovery 2.0.3 - Discover Bonjour services on your network
Delicious Library 3.8.3 - Catalog your stuff ©©
Updates: Week of January 27, 2019
Aeon Timeline 2.3.16 - Timeline maker
Moom 3.2.14 - Window manager
ManyCam - Video effects service for various live streams
Subversion 1.11.1 - Apache's version control system
Updates: Week of January 20, 2019
Poser 11.1.1 - Animate human figures in 3D
Pro Video Formats 2.1 - Apple's pro video codecs for Final Cut and QuickTime
Proloquo2Go 6.1 - Symbol based communication app for iOS
Net Monitor Sidekick 1.7.0 - Set of network monitoring tools
XRG 2.6 - Open source system monitor
Google Photos 4.9.1 - All your photos in the cloud for free
Allgood Solitaire 5.5 - Solitaire
Updates: Week of January 13, 2019
Net Monitor 4.9.4 - Graphs network activity
Babbel 20.13.0 - Learn a new language
Rosetta Stone 5.9.1 - Learn a new language
Ukelele 3.3 - Unicode keyboard layout editor
CheckBook Pro 2.6.8 - Personal finance
TextSoap 8.4.10 - Clean up your text
CrystalMaker 10.4.0 - Crystallographic tool
DEVONsphere Express 1.9.3 - Search program
Mac DVDRipper Pro 8.0.1 - Copy your DVDs
GIF Brewery 3.9.5 - Video to animated GIF
FileSalvage 9.2 - Data recovery
QtiPlot 1.0.0rc6 - Data analysis and scientific visualisation tool
Updates: Week of January 6, 2019
WeatherCat 3.0.4 - Monitor the weather on your roof
TinyBooks Pro 10.0.2 - Accounting software
Komodo 11.1.1 - Polyglot IDE for over 100 languages
WorldClock Deluxe 4.16.1 - Display clocks of various time zones
Triumph 2.6.9 - Audio editor
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn Of War II 1.0.3 - Real-time tactics strategy game
Klondike 11.5 - Solitaire
Updates: Week of December 30, 2018
Myth II: Soulblighter 1.8.3 - Bungie's 1998 game of strategy (now 64-bit)
Gitkraken 4.2.0 - Git client
dBpoweramp R16.5 - CD ripper and audio converter
Abyss Web Server X1 2.12 - webserv.html#abyssws
Samba 4.9.4 - The standard Windows interoperability suite
Qbserve 1.81 - Time tracker
Studiometry 15.0.1 - Contacts, expense tracking, project management
LyX 2.3.2 - Word processor based on TeX/LaTeX
wget 1.20.1 - Command line web and ftp downloads
Updates: Week of December 23, 2018
Final Draft 11.0.1 - Screenwriters' word processor
Eggdrop 1.8.4 - IRC bot
Hex Fiend 2.10 - Hex editor
SimpleImage 6.3.1 - Image viewer
Psi 1.4 - Jabber client
KnockKnock 2.0.5 - Lists persistently installed software and checks for malware
Updates: Week of December 16, 2018
Traktor Pro 3.0.2 - DJ software
SkySafari Pro 6.2.0 - Planetarium
Eclipse 4.10 - Java, C/C++, PHP IDE
Tumblr 12.2 - Back on the App store for iOS complete with censorship
ImageOptim 1.8.8 - Image optimizer
Updates: Week of December 9, 2018
TeXstudio 2.12.14 - Integrated writing environment for creating LaTeX
QuarkXPress 2018 14.2 - Page layout update
iStat Menus 6.31 - Menubar CPU, network etc. monitors
Updates: Week of December 2, 2018
Silo 2.5.6 - 3D modeling program
Mutt 1.11.1 - Email client
TurboCAD Mac 11 - Professional 2D/3D design and rendering
RealCADD 4.90 - 2D CAD program
VectorWorks 2019 SP2 - Professional CAD software
FontBook 5.0.6 - Font utility
TaskTime4 - Time tracking and billing
Checkout 5.0.3 - Point of sale system
Updates: Week of November 25, 2018
ToyViewer 5.6.0 - Image viewer
Nik Collection 1.2.18 - Series of 7 Photoshop plug-ins
PDF OCR X 3.0.10 - Drag and drop PDF to OCR
Join Me 3.14.0 - Video conferencing program
Platypus 5.3 - Make Mac applications out of Perl, Ruby and Python scripts
Updates: Week of November 18, 2018
Total War: Warhammer II - Strategy game
Grace 4.0.1 - Picture exchange for non-verbal people
AppCleaner 3.5 - Uninstaller
BackupList+ 8.7.1 - Backup utility
Panorama X 10.1.2 - Personal database service
Typist 3.0.1 - Free typing tutor
Master Key 6.1.1 - Typing tutor
iStumbler 103.40 - Wi-Fi finder
Updates: Week of November 11, 2018
Yojimbo 4.1.3 - Store and organize your notes, images, documents
Telephone 1.4 - SIP phone
Spark 3.1b2 - Hotkey manager
Extreme Landings 3.5.9 - Flight sim
IPSecuritas 4.9.1 - IPSec client
Updates: Week of November 4, 2018
AccountEdge 2018 23.0.0 - Accounting program update
Schoolwork 1.1 - Apple's classroom management app for iPad only
Texmaker 5.0.3 - LaTeX editor
Timings 3.2.7 - Time tracker
Updates: Week of October 28, 2018
WhiteCap 6.8.2 - iTunes visualizer
Amazon Prime Video 6.2 - Streaming movies and TV shows
Google Earth Pro - Earth on your desktop
FontDoctor 10.6 - Find and repair font problems
New Mac mini packs a huge punch
FaceTime 5.0 - With macOS Mojave 10.14.1 and iOS 12.1, you can use Group FaceTime to chat with up to 32 people
Tables 1.6.1 - Simple spreadsheet application
Boom Recorder 8.7.3 - Field audio recorder
Flux 7.1.11 - WYSIWYG web editor
MacPAR deLuxe 5.1.1 - Process par and par2 files and unrar
Eye Candy - Photoshop plug-in to render various effects
Snap Art - Photoshop plug-in and application to make photos look like paintings
Exposure X3 - Photoshop plug-in and application to apply effects to photos
Blow Up - Photoshop plug-in to enlarge images
Cities: Skylines 1.11.0 - City simulation
NameChanger 3.4.2 - Batch file renamer
Updates: Week of October 21, 2018
Nook 5.0.1 - Barnes & Noble’s ebook reader for iOS
Cinema 4D r20 - 3D studio
BodyPaint 3D r20 - 3D textures
Pester 1.1b24 - Alarm clock
QuizMaker Pro 2019.1 - Generate quizzes
TinyAlarm 1.9.6 - Alarm clock
Printopia 3.0.13 - Print from your iPhone to your Mac's printer
Remotix 5.1.1 - RDP and VNC client
Updates: Week of October 14, 2018
WeatherMan 2.9.0 - Weather in the Menubar
Fluid 2.1.2 - Make site specific browsers
GhostReader 2.3 - Text to speech
NetSpot 2.10.952 - Wi-Fi analyzer
Time Out 2.5 - Break reminder
Photoshop Elements 2019 - Image editor
Acrobat Pro DC 19.008.20074 - PDF editor
Animate CC 19.0 - Adobe's Flash replacement
Pacifist 3.6.1 - Open and extract files from .pkg, dmg, tar.gz etc.
Updates: Week of October 7, 2018
Black Ink 1.6.11 - Download, solve, and print crossword puzzles
ControllerMate 4.11.1 - Configure USB devices
ColorWell 7.1.1 - Color picker
Simon 4.3.1 - Website monitor
EyeSpy 2.2.5 - Eyes in your menu bar
Updates: Week of September 30, 2018
Join Together 7.8.3 - Join audio tracks
DiskWarrior 5.2 - Disk repair
Leech 3.1.2 - Download manager
Comic Life 3.5.10 - Make your own comics
iCab 5.8.6 - Web browser
Espresso 5.2.2 - Web editor
Sandvox 2.10.12 - Web editor
Overture 5.5.3 - Music notation program
Updates: Week of September 23, 2018
Presentation Prompter 5.5 - Teleprompter program
iBooks Author 2.6.1 - Apple's eBook authoring program
CrushFTP 8.3.1 - FTP server
Quicksilver 1.6.0 - Launcher utility
ProTA 4.2992 - Stock analysis
Messages 12.0 - Apple's messaging program for Mojave
OmniDiskSweeper 1.11 - Find and remove large unwanted files
Captain FTP 6.6.3 - FTP client
USB Overdrive 3.4 - Configure your gamepad, mouse, trackpad etc.
MacBreakZ 5.33 - Take a break
Norton Security 7.8 (build 63) - Malware scanner
Updates: Week of September 16, 2018
Pocket 1.8.0 - Read it later
xACT 2.47 - Audio encoder/decoder
Updates: Week of September 9, 2018
iWatermark Pro 2.0.19 - Image watermarking
MassReplaceIt 3.0 - Multi-file find and replace (now 64-bit)
Updates: Week of August 26, 2018
FreeCAD 0.17-13541.9948 - Parametric 3D modeler
Guitar Pro 7.5.1 - Score and tablature editor
Updates: Week of August 12, 2018
Maya 2018.4 - 3D modeling, animation, rendering and effects
LightWave 3D 2018.0.6 - Suite of 3D tools
BodyPaint 3D r19 (SP3) - 3D textures
Cinema 4D r19 (SP3) - Professional 3D package
Adobe Reader 18.011.20058 - PDF reader
Updates: Week of July 29, 2018
Suitcase Fusion 8 19.1.1 - Font manager
Golly 3.2 - Conway's Game of Life etc.
Keyboard Maestro 8.2.4 - Keyboard commands for everything
Updates: Week of July 22, 2018
Final Draft 10.0.7 - Word processor for screenplays
Lynx 2.8.9 - Web browser
Animal Typing 2.3 - Typing trainer
Updates: Week of July 8, 2018
WebArchiveExtractor 1.0 - Utility to extract Safari's webarchives
Artlantis Studio - 3D rendering for architects
Updates: Week of June 24, 2018
iGetter 2.9.6 - Download manager
FontBook 5.0.4 - Font utility
Findings 2.0.6 - Lab notebook
G-Force 5.8.2 - iTunes visualizer
Updates: Week of June 17, 2018
iCab 5.8.5 - Web browser
Outguess 1.1.6 - Steganography tool
Wings 3D 2.1.7 - 3D modeler
Updates: Week of June 10, 2018
OfficeTime 1.91 - Time tracker
TeamSpeak 3.1.10 - Voice chat for gamers
Updates: Week of May 20, 2018
iCalamus 2.17 - Page layout program acquired by Lemke Software
Yep 3.8.5 - Store and organize your documents
Magic Number Machine 1.0.32 - Scientific calculator
Updates: Week of April 29, 2018
Transmission 2.94 - BitTorrent client
Updates: Week of April 22, 2018
Karo Graph 2.0.5 - Draw vector art and export to SVG, EPS, PDF or ASCII art
Updates: Week of April 1, 2018
WordService 2.8.2 - Service which provides commands for working with selected text
CalcService 3.5 - Calculator Service
Xmenu 1.9.9 - Adds global menu to your menubar
Updates: Week of March 11, 2018
BeerAlchemy 2.1.4 - Brew your own beer